We'll turn me into the strongest, most awesome Oogami Koga-sama that the whole world'll be proud of!

My art accounts!

Last updated: 5/5/2021


  • Momo

  • She/her

  • 19

  • Dutch Vietnamese

  • Artist

  • NL/ENG

Hi there! Im Momo!! Im an artist who is really passionate about idols in particular! I talk a whole bunch about my faves and i love to make new friends who share the same interests i do so feel free to send me a message!


  • I like to draw and talk alot about my self insert ships; Kogamomo and Levimomo! I tag related posts with [ kogamomo ] and [ levimomo ] respectively

  • That being said, i like and share lots of content about Koga and Leviathan!

  • Any ship within Undead makes me uncomfortable to a degree. I can turn a blind eye to most Koga ships, but Reikoga makes me incredibly uncomfortable. So if you post about any of that, I ask you to please tag them! I have no problem with you if you like them, but I'd rather not see them personally.

  • Please know that I dont think that fiction and reality are on a 1:1 ratio, I do believe either side can influence eachother to a degree, but I wouldn't call both of them equal to eachother. Just stay responsible and mature with the things you consume. What you consume in fiction doesn't necessarily indicate the morals you have IRL.

  • It's none of my business to tell you what you should and shouldn't ship, as long as you mind your own business then we're fine.

  • I use the block button pretty liberally, if i see you being obnoxious anywhere, there's a big chance you're blocked because of that.

  • Basic DFI criteria; transphobic, homophobic, pedophile, TERF/radfem

  • You're under 16

  • You think its okay to harass others simply because they have a different stance than you when it comes to fiction (i.e calling people freaks, etc.)

  • You throw serious accusations with little to nothing to back it up. (calling someone a pedo, etc)

  • You think fictional characters have human rights. They're not real, they're fictional for a reason.

  • Pro-censorship within fandom. The block and mute buttons exist for a reason, so use them. You curate your own timeline and space.


  • Ensemble Stars!! (あんさんぶるスターズ!!)

  • Obey Me! One Master To Rule Them All

  • Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage

  • Love Live! School Idol Project

  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica

  • Bravely Default/Bravely Second

Misc. interests:
IDOLiSH7, I-Chu, Granblue, Idolm@ster Shiny Colors, Twisted Wonderland, Helios Rising Heroes, On Air! (オンエア!), A3!, Mahoyaku
